Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Sunday - RHU - Egham Station - Hox Park

Egham Railway Station
Egham (NW)
07:00 07:40 then
:20 :00 :40 until 18:20 19:00 19:40 20:20 21:18 22:18 23:18 00:18
Royal Holloway College
Englefield Green (NE)
07:08 07:48 :28 :08 :48 18:28 19:08 19:48 20:28 21:26 22:26 23:26 00:26
Elmbank Avenue
Englefield Green (S-bound)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 20:36 21:34 22:34 23:34 00:34
Hox Park
07:16 07:56 :36 :16 :56 18:36 19:16 19:56 20:44 21:42 22:42 23:42 00:42

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Sunday - RHU - Hox Park - Egham Station

Hox Park
07:22 then
:02 :42 :22 until 18:42 19:22 20:02 20:52 21:52 22:52 23:52 00:52
Elmbank Avenue
Englefield Green (S-bound)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00
Royal Holloway College
Englefield Green (NE)
07:30 :10 :50 :30 18:50 19:30 20:10 21:08 22:08 23:08 00:08 01:08
Egham Railway Station
Egham (SE)
07:38 :18 :58 :38 18:58 19:38 20:18 21:16 22:16 23:16 00:16 01:16

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Generated on 14/03/2024 13:02